Für WMI-Abfragen ist es oft sinnvoll anhand des Betriebssystems bestimme GPOs zuzuordnen. Die Build-Nummer ist hierfür sehr gut geeignet
Windows 2000 (Beta 3) | 5.00.2031 |
Windows 2000 (Beta 3 RC2) | 5.00.2128 |
Windows 2000 (Beta 3) | 5.00.2183 |
Windows 2000 | 5.00.2195 (17.02.2000) |
Whistler Server Preview | 2250 |
Whistler Server alpha | 2257 |
Whistler Server interim release | 2267 |
Whistler Server interim release | 2410 |
Windows XP (RC 1) | 5.1.2505 |
Windows XP | 5.1.2600 (25.10.2001) |
Windows XP, Service Pack 1 | 5.1.2600.1105-1106 |
Windows XP, Service Pack 2 | 5.1.2600.2180 |
Windows XP, Service Pack 3 | 5.1.2600 (21.04.2008) |
Windows .NET Server interim | 5.2.3541 |
Windows .NET Server Beta 3 | 5.2.3590 |
Windows .NET Server Release Candidate 1 (RC1) | 5.2.3660 |
Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 | 5.2.3718 |
Windows Server 2003 (Beta?) | 5.2.3763 |
Windows Server 2003 | 5.2.3790 (24.04.2003) |
Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 1 | 5.2.3790.1180 |
Windows Server 2003 | 5.2.3790.1218 |
Windows Home Server | 5.2.3790 (16.06.2007) |
Windows Longhorn | 6.0.5048 |
Windows Vista, Beta 1 | 6.0.5112 (20.07.2005) |
Windows Vista, Community Technology Preview (CTP) | 6.0.5219 (30.08.2005) |
Windows Vista, TAP Preview | 6.0.5259 (17.11.2005) |
Windows Vista, CTP (Dezember) | 6.0.5270 (14.12.2005) |
Windows Vista, CTP (Februar) | 6.0.5308 (17.02.2006) |
Windows Vista, CTP (Refresh) | 6.0.5342 (21.03.2006) |
Windows Vista, April EWD | 6.0.5365 (19.04.2006) |
Windows Vista, Beta 2 Previw | 6.0.5381 (01.05.2006) |
Windows Vista, Beta 2 | 6.0.5384 (18.05.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RC1 | 6.0.5456 (20.06.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RC1, Build 5472 | 6.0.5472 (13.07.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RC1, Build 5536 | 6.0.5536 (21.08.2006) |
Windows Vista, RC1 | 6.0.5600.16384 (29.08.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RC2 | 6.0.5700 (10.08.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RC2, Build 5728 | 6.0.5728 (17.09.2006) |
Windows Vista, RC2 | 6.0.5744.16384 (03.10.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RTM, Build 5808 | 6.0.5808 (12.10.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RTM, Build 5824 | 6.0.5824 (17.10.2006) |
Windows Vista, Pre-RTM, Build 5840 | 6.0.5840 (18.10.2006) |
Windows Vista, RTM (Release to Manufacturing) | 6.0.6000.16386 (01.11.2006) |
Windows Vista | 6.0.6000 (08.11.2006) |
Windows Vista, Service Pack 2 | 6.0.6002 (04.02.2008) |
Windows Server 2008 | 6.0.6001 (27.02.2008) |
Windows 7, RTM (Release to Manufacturing) | 6.1.7600.16385 (22.10.2009) |
Windows 7 | 6.1.7601 |
Windows Server 2008 R2, RTM (Release to Manufacturing) | 6.1.7600.16385 (22.10.2009) |
Windows Server 2008 R2, SP1 | 6.1.7601 |
Windows Home Server 2011 | 6.1.8400 (05.04.2011) |
Windows Server 2012 | 6.2.9200 (04.09.2012) |
Windows 8 | 6.2.9200 (26.10.2012) |
Windows Phone 8 | 6.2.10211 (29.10.2012) |
Windows Server 2012 R2 | 6.3.9200 (18.10.2013) |
Windows 8.1 | 6.3.9200 (18.10.2013) |
Windows 8.1, Update 1 | 6.3.9600 (08.04.2014) |
Versions und Build-Nummern von Windows